Annealed Glasses


Annealed glass is a type of glass that has not been treated with any special processes to increase its strength or durability. It is the most basic form of glass and is created by cooling molten glass slowly, allowing it to cool and solidify at a natural rate.

  • Ensures material consistency
  • Minimizes stresses
  • Prevents spontaneous breakage


Annealed glass is relatively weak and can break or shatter easily, especially when exposed to sudden temperature changes or impact. It is often used in applications where strength and durability are not the primary concerns, such as in picture frames or as decorative glass.

Because annealed glass is relatively easy to manufacture, it is also the most cost-effective type of glass. However, it is not recommended for use in applications where safety is a concern, such as in car windshields or as building windows. In such applications, tempered or laminated glass is preferred because it provides greater strength and safety.

Overall, annealed glass is a basic and relatively inexpensive type of glass that is suitable for certain applications where strength and durability are not critical factors.


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